Welcome to Healing Comes in Waves, a podcast for survivors to explore healing after harm.

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In this podcast, we talk to survivors, counsellors, educators and advocates about how to attend to feelings, make connections and figure out what justice means to us.

Healing comes in waves, with peaks and valleys, times of movement and times of stillness. We may not be able to stop the waves, but we can learn how to ride them. If you or someone you know needs support check out our resources list.

Healing Comes in Waves podcast was made in Tkaronto, in the Dish With One Spoon Territory. The Dish With One Spoon is a treaty between the Anishinaabe, Mississaugas and Haudenosaunee that bound them to share the territory and protect the land. Subsequent Indigenous Nations and Peoples, Europeans and all newcomers have been invited into this treaty in the spirit of peace, friendship and respect. Sexual violence is one form of violence caused by colonization that is still used today to marginalize and dispossess Indigenous peoples from their lands and waters. Any work to address sexual violence must center on this truth.

Two ways to actively address this is to read and take action on the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action and the Calls for Justice within the Reclaiming Power and Place: The Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Healing Comes In Waves

Healing Comes In Waves